Setting up your Nest profile
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IMPORTANT: you will not appear on our website or bookings system until you have completed steps 1 - 8 below. When you have, please contact us on or via Slack on @Rods The Owl Centre so that your profile can be made live.
Privacy: the qualification documents etc. that you upload will not be visible to anyone except you and the Administrator. Your address will be visible only to other members of your team (on the My Team map) and to the Administrator.
1. In the Nest, click on 'My Profile & Settings' in the sidebar menu, or click on your name in the top right hand corner and then on 'Settings'.
The next screen has 7 sections, as illustrated here:
2. The screen below falls under the 'General tab':
If you log into the Nest with an email address that you don’t check regularly, or which filters our emails into spam, now is a good time to change your email to one that doesn’t!
3. Complete all fields on this screen, including adding a profile photo.
4. NOTE that if you change your bank account details after adding them on this screen, you'll need to email so that the details on our internet banking can be updated, too.
5. Email footer: scroll further down, and you'll see a template email footer personalised for you. Copy this, and then log into with your new Owl Centre email address (if you haven't yet received this, contact When you log in, click on the cog icon (top right) and then choose 'Settings'. Scroll down to 'Signature', create a new one (e.g. 'Owl signature') and then paste your footer into the box. You can change details on the footer if you wish. Click on 'Save changes' at the bottom of the screen.
Note that if you add your email account to your mobile device, the signature won't be included. Instead, you'll have to add this locally. Search google for how to add a signature to iOS or Android devices.
6. Next, click on the ‘Profile’ tab. You’ll see a screen like this:
7. Click on the ‘Select skills’ button, and choose from the list those skills that apply to you. If you have suggestions of other skills to add to your discipline’s list, contact us on or via Slack on @Rods The Owl Centre.
8. In the Qualifications, CV and Fun facts boxes, add one entry per line as instructed. Keep your CV points succinct. Please check for typos. If you want us to check your profile when complete, contact us on or via Slack on @Rods The Owl Centre
9. In the 'Covered Cities' box, click on the 'Add new city' button to search for the names of villages, towns and cities that you cover in order to add these to your profile. This will help google searches find your service. If a location isn't listed on our database, we can add them. Contact us on or via Slack on @Rods The Owl Centre with (1) the name of the location, (2) the county it is in, and (3) whether it is a village, town or city.
10. If you see other boxes that need to be completed (which might have been added since these instructions were created), then please complete them!
11. Next, click on the 'Documents' tab. You'll see a screen like this:
Upload your various qualifications, DBS, etc. If there are any training certificates that you require to become compliant, you can follow the instructions in the box on the right hand side to access free online training.
12. The other tabs (Unavailabilities, Policies, Notifications and Security) are hopefully self-explanatory. Make your way through these tabs so that you complete your profile.