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Reports written by therapists often include the same explanations or suggestions for patients experiencing certain types of challenge. The Reports module has been created to enable you to use or (if you wish) create custom-built report templates which, when transformed into a document, will be personalised in line with your patient in question (his / her name, age, gender etc.). As a first step, therefore, it is necessary that you navigate to that patient's profile (the 'Edit Patient' screen found under 'People' > Patients on the Nest's sidebar) and complete all necessary fields.
The screenshot below is of the Nest's sidebar menu. Instructions for each section will now be set out.
Reports > Documents
This is where you (a) generate new reports and (b) see a list of the reports you've created. If, after clicking on 'Documents', you click on the blue button to generate a new report, you'll be taken to a screen like this:
Over time, we will create a large portfolio of different templates so that you will hopefully be able to select one which reflects any kind of report that you will need to write. However, you are able to create your own portfolio of templates.
2. Reports > Templates
To create your own portfolio, click on Templates in the Nest's sidebar menu. You'll see a screen like this:
Give your template a name (and, optional, a description) and, if you wish, you can build on already existing templates. To do the latter, just select a template from the list within the 'Clone template' field ('General report template' is recommended). Be mindful of the fact that you are creating a general template for a type of patient (in other words, you are not creating a specific report for a specific patient). When you have clicked 'Save', you'll be taken to the next screen. Here is an example of a template which builds on the template called 'General' (see screenshot under 1. Documents):
All report templates by default have The Owl Centre's logo and address and the footer with contact details. But you're free to design the template as you wish. In the screenshot above, a table of 5 x 2 has been created (by clicking on the table icon within the toolbar at the top of the screen). In the left hand column, various titles have been typed. In the right hand column, the relevant 'placeholders' have been added by placing the cursor in the column and then clicking on the various blue buttons on the right hand side. It is these placeholders that will enable a template report to be applicable to any patient, no matter their name, date of birth, school, gender, etc.
3. Reports > Placeholders
The final component of the Reports module allows you to create your own custom placeholders. To give an example of why you might wish to do so: imagine you have created a report template, but the strategies that you recommend might vary from patient to patient. In this case, you could create a custom placeholder for each strategy, and then add the relevant placeholders to each particular patient's report.
Here is the screen that you see when you click on 'Placeholders' in the sidebar menu:
On this screen, you can edit or delete the placeholders you've already created. Or you can create new ones by clicking on 'Create new report placeholder'. Doing so will take you to this screen:
Give your particular placeholder a name that will enable you to easily identify what it refers to. After all, you might create many of these. It is important that you name your placeholder in line with the instructions set out in red text. Then, in the section below, you can add text as long or as short as you wish. However, it is essential that, instead of using a particular patient's name or other biographical details, and instead of using pronouns specific to a particular patient, you insert the placeholders (blue buttons on the right) at those points where a patient's identity has to be non-specific.
Placeholders are only able to carry out their function if they can draw on specific clients' and patients' biographical and other details. As such, it is necessary to ensure that their profiles are complete. Here's an example of a patient's profile:
The basic point is that if you are going to draw on certain information about the patient or client in your report, make sure that their profiles are completed (note that the Reports module is able to accommodate transgenderism by its inclusion of the 'Identifies as' section. This will create pronouns whose gender overrides - if required - the 'Biological sex' field).
Click on Reports > Documents in the Nest's sidebar menu.
Click on the blue 'Generate new report' button.
You'll then be taken to a screen which sets out all available templates (i.e. those from The Owl Centre's portfolio and from your own, if you've created any).
On selecting your template, you'll be taken to a screen like this:
5. Choose the relevant client and patient from the dropdown fields, and then click 'Next'. You'll be taken to a screen where you can write your report. Here's an example:
6. In the above example, the template didn't include any report body text. You'd therefore write your report as normal (i.e. using the patient's name and specific pronouns etc.). However, if you had created custom placeholders, you'd be able to add these by selecting them (bottom right of the screen above) and clicking on 'Use selected'. These placeholders - if you'd created them properly - would draw on the profile data of your specific patient.
7. When you've completed your report, click on the blue 'Save' button at the top of the screen. You'll see a box appear like this:
Name and save the report to be returned to your Reports > Documents screen:
As you can see in the screenshot above, there is a Download button on the right handside. Clicking on this will download your report to your computer. But there is also an Edit button. Clicking on that will bring up this screen:
From the screen above, you can edit your report and then save it (blue button, top right); or edit, save and download it (2nd blue button, top right); or edit and share it with your client (yellow button, top right). Clicking on the yellow button brings up a screen like this:
Clicking on the blue 'Share' button will save the report under 'Files' on the patient's profile (whereas unchecking the 'Save document to patient's files' button will not share it)
Note that, at the time of writing, the functionality to securely share reports with clients has not been implemented. You will therefore, at present, have to email reports in order to share them. However, this sharing functionality will be available soon.